Accessory FAQ

Is there one MAG type per type of gun?


  • The type of magazine or mag does tend to vary from different types of guns, depending on manufacturer, caliber, capacity, gun type and/or model. However some manufactures utilize particular magazine styles in collaboration with other manufacturers for interchangeability and to be more user friendly. For Instance, B&T manufactures their APC9/45 Pro models with proprietary and Glock compatible magazines. They also utilize their proprietary magazine patterns across some of their platform line ups for their respective calibers for APC9/45, GHM9/45, KH9 and TP9 platforms. Their APC10 Pro solely utilizes Glock 10mm magazines and they also make a variant of the APC9 platform with Sig Sauer compatible magazines. Kriss, manufactures the Vector that is available in 9mm,.40S&W, .45ACP and 10mm and solely utilizes Glock pattern magazines in their respective calibers.


How many MAG types are there?


  • There are a few different types of mags or magazines with some minor variations but include, internal, tube and removable. Internal can vary in stacking method such as single or variable stacking and also include rotary style magazines. The same can be said for removable magazine types.


What are the benefits of adding or upgrading an optic?


  • There are generally two broad categories of optics, magnified and non-magnified optics, with precision being the main benefit of adding either. Different technologies can be used such as a battery powered LED illuminated sights like the Trijicon SRO and MRO, or utilize fiber optics along with tritium for illumination used in their RMR or the magnified ACOG fixed power scopes. These two models also come in battery powered variants as well. Magnified Optics such as the Trijicon ACOG mentioned previously, the Eotech Vudu, Leupold Mark Series, or Sig Sauer Tango Series provide better precision at longer ranges with the latter models having variable power capability for a broader range of use and both illuminated and non illuminated options. Non-magnified optics can use a separate accessory like a magnifier to allow for higher precision on longer distances too.

  • Handguns are not excluded as many current models come with the ability to mount different optics whether magnified or non magnified, such as the Sig Sauer RomeoZero, Holosun 507/8/9 Series, or variable power scopes that can be found on certain large caliber pistols/revolvers for hunting.


Different barrel lengths in firearms and particular uses?


  • Barrels are one the main components of the firearm affecting its performance. Generally a barrel is not changed from the same gun and swapped back unless for particular types of use such changing a smooth bore shotgun barrel to a rifled barrel when hunting with slugs and back to smoothbore when hunting with shot. A pistol barrel may be changed to an aftermarket match grade barrel for increased accuracy and performance or to a threaded barrel so that a silencer or muzzle device can be used with the same being true for most rifles. AR style rifles or models of guns that can be built from different components allow for selection/customization for particular uses based on the size of the barrel. For handguns, such as the full size Glock 17’s, typically used for home defense, target shooting or law enforcement primary sidearm use, longer barrel tends to provide better accuracy, less recoil and more control, when compared to the subcompact Glock 26’s, typically used for concealed carry or law enforcement backup sidearm use, shorter barrel provides easier concealment.

  • Barrels for long guns or rifles can directly affect how the firearm is classified. This means that any Rifle barrel with or without a permanently affixed muzzle device with an overall length shorter than 16 inches, would be classified as a short barrel rifle (SBR), an NFA item, requiring BATFE approval along with a $200 tax stamp. The same would include shotguns with barrel lengths under 18 inches, as they would be classified as short barrel shotguns (SBS).

  • Generally a longer barrel provides better accuracy and potentially increased velocity/performance, however there are many variables that affect these particular characteristics, such as ammunition used, rifling type/style, materials used and overall quality of manufacturing.